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Enjoying the Banjo

Enjoying the Banjo

4.486 9

Ken Piros

Community Manager, Ohio

Enjoying the Banjo

Civil War Re-enactment. Hale Farm and Village, Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Kommentare 9

  • silvanaW 26. Februar 2015, 0:33

    Nice moment and very interesting edition**
  • Roberta Tomassetti 30. Januar 2015, 9:53

    Foto eccellente!
    Hugs Roberta
  • Mirjam Burer 23. Januar 2015, 15:11

    one can see a whole story in this image and fine scene Ken..
    good tonal rangge in warm sepia..
    lg, Mirjam
  • s. sabine krause 23. Januar 2015, 10:21

    music soothes the nerves, reduces stress, brings back memories of home and distracts both the player and the listening young man from their fighting routines, or so my post-civil-bellum imagination would like to think… ; ) great play with focus in the the juxtaposition of the two characters, i agree! and the format suits the lanky teenager well, stressing the fact that he's the protagonist of your image, and making me contemplate the frightful effects of war on the psyche of the extremely young… greetings, sabine.
  • Harold Thompson 23. Januar 2015, 9:51

    Good use of the dof and editing to give an aging to the scene
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 23. Januar 2015, 8:51

    Very well composed and edited to geve a feeling that this is an old photograph.

  • Adele D. Oliver 23. Januar 2015, 8:50

    great how this re-enactment of the Civil War
    brings together young and old ... your image
    showshow both the banjo player and the
    young man listening are enjoying the music !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Mauro Tomassetti 23. Januar 2015, 7:25

    Excellent scene and great photo*!
    Regards Mauro
  • Dennis Maloney 23. Januar 2015, 5:35

    ....very good portrait image of the young man participating in the Civil War reenactment enjoying a little banjo music, well composed and presented.....
    Greetings my friend,


Ordner Civil War-Re-created
Views 4.486


Kamera NIKON D50
Objektiv Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A09)
Blende 6.3
Belichtungszeit 1/640
Brennweite 75.0 mm
ISO 200