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Lalit Tyagi

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Jaipur

Endless Waitng

Some one told me that this women(in the photo) is waiting for some one since 2 years and always in the evening she sit near Narmada river.

Kommentare 6

  • Christian Bertero 26. Februar 2011, 18:30


  • Lalit Tyagi 15. Februar 2011, 4:58

    Sabin thanks for your philosophical comment...i like the way you describe...and Mr Thakur you are right....thank you...thanks Adele.thanks Galucki
  • hrishikesh thakur 15. Februar 2011, 4:32

    excellent ! very objective ! Nandi waiting for Lord Shankar and the woman is waiting for Man !
  • Adele D. Oliver 15. Februar 2011, 3:13

    A strong image - and full of emotion .... well done in black and white!
    greetings, Adele
  • Zbigniew Galucki 14. Februar 2011, 20:14

  • s. sabine krause 14. Februar 2011, 17:07

    the lonely woman seems to be at the threshold of another world, yearning to cross the river but not being allowed to before her time comes… at least she's not alone but has a little cow god companion at her side guarding her hopes and fears! a beautiful and melancholy picture! i like how the dark sections of the shots seem to stand for thisworldly matters, whereas the light river, sky and opposite shore represent "the beyond"! kind regards, sabine.



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