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Elephants don't cry, of course...

Elephants don't cry, of course...

352 1

Wolfgang Degenhardt

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Siegen

Elephants don't cry, of course...

...It was probably just an irritation of her eyes... but then again...

Natürlich weinen Elefanten nicht, sie hatte wahrscheinlich nur was im Auge, andererseits...

Kommentare 1

  • Inez Correia Marques 1. November 2007, 10:18

    wow. it brings memories of my past in Africa.. 33 years will not be forgotten ..

    yes they cry and they mourn their dead just like us.

    most gentle and amazing creatures .. i love them .. admire them and learned a lot from them

    i like the photo a lot.. it is almost like a charcoal drawing. very gentle as the elephant himself.. it looks like an indian elephant.