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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Peterlee

Dead eyes

Accidental catch, washed up on the beach today

Pleased so many see the point in this picture, this is a spotted dogfish not for the table but killed by a careless act. This could have being a Dolphin or a Turtle. These nets do not discriminate to who is its victim

Kommentare 13

  • TOMO11 13. Dezember 2014, 19:45

    Very good shot. The details made us affected.
    Great image.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Greetings Thomas
  • ML D.O.C. 13. Dezember 2014, 10:11

    Soi atrat di cheste foto.
    Un biel estri.
    No i manche nuje.
    Legri e buine Sante Luzie.
  • MAURICE CLEGG 4. Dezember 2014, 14:55

    extremely saddening image.
    I know its only a fish but it had a life cut short through no fault of its own.
    it has such a sad expression.
    great documentary image.
    regards, Maurice.
  • Mirjam Burer 4. Dezember 2014, 13:58

    hard to look at ...so sad...but yes... a good capture and compo Bryan..
    lg, Mirjam
  • alexander stefanatos 4. Dezember 2014, 10:48

    Helman Melvill called the nets "a fish shroud".
    Very expressive picture,Bryan..
    regards alexander
  • Harold Thompson 4. Dezember 2014, 10:30

    Marine discard in which many of these mammals get caught by. Good detail but so sad
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 4. Dezember 2014, 9:02

    If nothing else, this picture proves that such cast away nets and other such rubbish is a great danger to all sea life, and to any and all animals and birds on land or sea.

    ALL rubbish should be disposed of in a safe manner.

    An excellent but very sad picture.

  • Adele D. Oliver 3. Dezember 2014, 22:15

    sad how this happens, and the dead fish's expression as if gasping for air, and the eyes blank but somehow still staring ..... well spotted and taken, excellent sharp details and great dof - an image with a message !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Manuel Gloger 3. Dezember 2014, 19:44

    Stuck in the net. Not a good capture for the fisherman, but a real good photo capture from you.
    Greetings, Manuel
  • Mark Billiau. 3. Dezember 2014, 18:59

    Poor little chap.....
    Good but sad shot !

  • s. sabine krause 3. Dezember 2014, 18:38

    awwww… a young shark? i agree with vera: a sad image! he looks so small and helpless and choking… i feel a wave of sympathy assail me! wave, assail… now how's that for a choice of maritime words?! all right, all right, i know: assail boat is not a sailboat… ; ) an unusual motif and an inense, surprisingly moving image, bryan! greetings, sabine.
  • Dennis Maloney 3. Dezember 2014, 18:10

    ....really great detail in this close-up image of the accidental catch, looks a little like a baby shark with little or no teeth, good focus on the eye......
  • Vera Shulga 3. Dezember 2014, 18:10

    sad image(for me)..



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