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Come on - Make my day!!!

Come on - Make my day!!!

1.584 3

Karen Thomas

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Come on - Make my day!!!

My cat has no fear of anything. My poor dog takes the brunt sometimes. Here he is just before a pounce.

Kommentare 3

  • Tayfun YAMAN 15. März 2008, 21:34

    Cats eyes are great. I hope your cat didn't punish your dog very bad :)
    Congatulations very nice shot.
  • Ricko 11. März 2008, 7:43

    I think i will sent chopper over to help puppy.
    Just joking.
    Great shot.
    Nice catch.
    Would have love to see his face to.
    Cats eyes great.
    cheers Ricko
  • Anthony Harris 10. März 2008, 22:37

    great capture.
    I like it