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Church of St. Alexandre

Church of St. Alexandre

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Warszawa

Church of St. Alexandre

Church of St. Alexandre in the city of Warsaw (Warszawa), Poland (Polska), Three Crosses square (plac Trzech Krzyzy).Father Jakub Falkowski, parish priest of St. Alexander's, founded the nearby Institute of Deaf Mutes and the Blind. A classicist church, built in 1818-1825 as a tribute to Tsar Alexander I, in the spirit of the Roman Pantheon. The opportunity to build this church and to give it St Alexander as the patron was taken upon the Warsaw visit of Tsar Alexander I, king of the newly created Polish Kingdom – originally the hope of freedom was linked to him very strongly. It was here that Allied secret agents met during World War II. The church's lower level is used for services for deaf mutes.

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Views 1.392


Kamera NIKON D80
Objektiv ---
Blende 6.3
Belichtungszeit 2
Brennweite 16.0 mm
ISO 160

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