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chromatic death 2

chromatic death 2

1.284 4

Al Moszinsky

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Vienna

Kommentare 4

  • Jimmy Brown 24. Februar 2007, 20:47

    Al, super shot, well balanced, interesting - jimmy
  • Michael Pomery 22. Mai 2005, 5:32

    no cropping is needed. good capture.
  • Al Moszinsky 18. Mai 2005, 20:49

    hello robert,
    thanks for your comment.
    didn´t have much possibilities for the focus (sure for the focus but not for the d.o.f.) , mainly due to working without tripod. so I spent quite a long time there to think about the scene...and I´m also quite happy with the result. don´t like cutting that much afterwards. I´m trying to fix the frame before I shoot. leave the whole stone on the left and I like how the light situation differs from the middle on. once you´ve explored the dark side you´re pushed into the brighter one anyway.
    ...unfortunately it´s not possible to be buried there for about 250 years. but anyway I like picnics more as long as I can taste some good cheese.
    grtngz mo
  • Robert van der Sanden 18. Mai 2005, 14:28

    I like this picture a lot. The way you used DOF here worked real nice. It adds to the dreamy atmosphere of the scene.
    How about cutting some off the left, into the trunk of the left tree? That would move the focus slightly more to the meadow, where the sun shines, 'cause that's the place where I want to have my picnics after my death :-)
    Regards, Robert



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