6.036 4

Harold Thompson

kostenloses Benutzerkonto

Christmas 2021

Merry Christmas to all
Be Safe

Kommentare 4

  • Manuel Gloger 27. Dezember 2021, 21:12

    Dear Sue and Harold,
    I hope you had a very Merry Cristmas and I wish you a splendid New Years Eve
    and a very happy, successful and foremost a healthy New Year 2022.
    Frohe Weihnachten
    Frohe Weihnachten
    Manuel Gloger

    Seasons Greetings 
  • Manu T. 21. Dezember 2021, 9:41

    A very beautiful christmas card. I love the drawing from Sue,  it also hangs in my living room. take care love Manu
  • Adele D. Oliver 18. Dezember 2021, 21:57

    a very beautiful festive scene and nice wishes ...
    thank you so much, and to you too a peaceful
    and happy Christmas and stay healthy !!!
    warm regards,
  • Mark Billiau. 18. Dezember 2021, 13:56

    Thanks for your wishes, Harold and Sue.
    I too wish you both a wonderful Christmas time !


Views 6.036


Kamera NIKON D90
Objektiv TAMRON AF 18-270mm F3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD B008N
Blende 11
Belichtungszeit 1/20
Brennweite 18.0 mm
ISO 800

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