Stefan J.A.M.

Premium (Pro), Osnabrück

Kommentare 2

  • Conny11 24. Mai 2022, 16:40

    Ein interessantes Portrait, mir gefällt der direkte Blickkontakt.
    LG Conny
  • Sirta Saboya 10. Mai 2022, 13:49

    Are we all we are
    Cut to now, holy wow
    When did everything become such a hell of a mess?
    Maybe now, maybe now, can somebody come and take this off my chest?
    I know you think it's not your problem
    I know you think that God will solve them
    But if your shit is not together
    It'll never be you and me, plant the seed
    Open up and let it be
    We are the people that you'll never get the best of
    Not forget the rest of, rest of (Ooohhh)12
    We've had our fill, we've had enough, we've had it up here
    Are we all we are
    Are we all we are
    We are the people that you'll never get the best of
    Not forget the rest of, rest of (Ooohhh)
    Just sing it loud, until the kids will sing it right back
    Are we all we are
    Are we all we are
    TEXT pink


Ordner Im Moor
Views 8.952


Kamera Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Objektiv 50-500mm
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/800
Brennweite 167.0 mm
ISO 800

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