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Cathedral of St. John

Cathedral of St. John

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Warszawa

Cathedral of St. John

Cathedral of Saint John in the city of Warsaw (Warszawa), Poland (Polska), district of Old Town (Stare Miasto). Facade of the cathedral. John in Warsaw at ul Swietojanska, the most important temple of the Roman Catholic Church in the Polish capital. Built in the 14th century, St John's Cathedral - or Katedra Sw Jana - is one of the oldest churches in all of Poland, but was completely destroyed during World War II during the Polish Uprising. Fortunately a large number of the art works survived the war intact and can be seen inside.. Internally the cathedral has three naves, with a number of chapels along the left-hand aisle. Its somewhat austere elegance is in stark contrast to the bustling crowded streets outside.

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Views 1.346


Kamera NIKON D80
Objektiv ---
Blende 0
Belichtungszeit 1/1250
Brennweite 0.0 mm
ISO 250