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Bullet the blue sky.

Bullet the blue sky.

1.553 9

Brad Waldera

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Wahpeton, North Dakota.

Bullet the blue sky.

Another gun shop photo. D50 and 50mm f/1.8.

Kommentare 9

  • Doc Kramer 6. Januar 2006, 19:58 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 6. Januar 2006, 19:58 Voting-Anmerkung

    great colours and dimanesion.
    a powerful image but nothing moves me in this,
    sorry contra
  • steffen s... 6. Januar 2006, 19:58 Voting-Anmerkung

  • °°° celle °°° 6. Januar 2006, 19:58 Voting-Anmerkung

    sorry can not see a gallery pic in that..
    c ya
  • Stuart Borland 6. Januar 2006, 19:58 Voting-Anmerkung

    This a very powerful image. Lets leave aside any technical issues here. This image (and some of the others in the series) says more about guns and their impact on modern society than any polemic ever can. Thats the strength of our chosen medium.
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 29. Dezember 2005, 22:42

    the colour one is definitly the one for me.
    very good shot
  • John Barnett 29. Dezember 2005, 6:30

    Good 'shot'
  • Brad Waldera 29. Dezember 2005, 1:56

    The title is from an old U2 song that I happen to like. No real connection. I liked this photo in color, but I may put up a B&W version later. Thanks for commenting.
  • Stuart Borland 29. Dezember 2005, 1:37

    Hi Brad
    I dont quit understand the title and how it relates to the photograph but WOW what a telling image.. An impressive piece of graphic work. Will not win you a lot of fans with the NRA or Charlton Heston.
    If I had a vote left I would recommend for the gallery.

    best wishes

    Ps Its chilling



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