4.033 5

Model Steffi.

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Kommentare 5

  • G T 9. November 2005, 16:21

    wow, also das finde ich wirklich superschön!!
  • Rohan Akunoori 2. August 2005, 18:54

    Like that. Perfect and every expressive, Wonder how you creat that soft light and get such a dramatic DOF ahhhhhhhhh. Would love to know seems like your talent is magical and you have the eye to see the real thing in beauty.
    God Bless you.
  • Maik Petrich 11. November 2004, 7:21

    ich finds gut dein pic hat was

  • Axel Lauer 11. November 2004, 1:15

    schlecht beleuchtet.
    zu hoher allgemeinkontrast- dadurch schlechte durchzeichnung in den hellen partien und zu wenig partialkontrast.
    da hilft nur photoshop.
    gruss axel
  • Michael (mikra) Krause 10. November 2004, 19:41
