1.650 3

Zac Cutler

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Columbia


I actually took this years ago with the Ricoh, just recently stumbled upon it.

Kommentare 3

  • Zac Cutler 3. Januar 2005, 6:37

    Haha, I really botched the scan aspect of this one a bit, didn't I? Definitely did not notice all the simple little scan mistakes... Well heres the b/w version, and I went ahead and fixed up some of the scan errors (not quite all). I am a little up in the air as to which one I like better, though I do feel that b/w hook droppin down, about to lure me away. :) Seems like the b/w fits the way the photo was taken better, though the color definitely adds a bit to the mood.

  • Martin Unger 30. Dezember 2004, 11:27

    This picture is living, you must have had fun there! It's really not so important here that it's slightly unsharp, also the dust from the scan and the scanning-edges doesn't matter so much. It's this lively expression and the fitting colors which are important here. Just for fun: did you already try to convert it in b/w?
  • Barry Boldy 30. Dezember 2004, 9:13

    hehe, good find zac, because theres a fresh feel about it, i think its because its from you AND its in colour :)



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