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Blanchland, Northumberland, England

Blanchland, Northumberland, England

2.463 5


Premium (World), Newcastle upon Tyne

Blanchland, Northumberland, England

The area around the village of Blanchland is an area of hill-farming , and woodland, and of relic traces of lead-mining from previous centuries

Kommentare 5

  • alberto16-menuder 11. März 2017, 19:57

    bravo e complimenti
  • markkeville 4. März 2017, 19:40

    I took it , looking over the boundary wall on the road. It is a quiet, little used road from baybridge (near Blanchland) upto the village of hunstanworth. It is out of the way. The road is a good one - for example - for the views of the woods, (another picture you commented on). It was the light on the small area of woodland that appealed to me.And yes, there could be fairies - it seems to me.
  • Imes_Hetu 4. März 2017, 18:36

    Is it just a roadside? I thought the picture had been taken in a deep woods!
  • markkeville 4. März 2017, 18:21

    Thankyou for your interest. photoshop elements.
    It was the the low, slanting light in the autumn that appealed to me in this roadside scene. mark.
  • Imes_Hetu 4. März 2017, 17:56

    What a fern bush! I bet there are fairies in this forest!)
    Let me guess what photo editor you use. Is it https://macphun.com/luminar


Ordner Blanchland
Views 2.463


Kamera Canon EOS 70D
Objektiv EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
Blende 13
Belichtungszeit 1/50
Brennweite 35.0 mm
ISO 200

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