4.431 4

Neil Auty

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Alien Mouth

There is no way on this planet I will ever feed one of these thngs from my hand again, I mean, just look at all the sharp things in there if it decides to get a tad frumpy about its hair...

Yes, I have just checked all my appendages are still firmly attached and there is nothing about to burst from my chest after a close encouter with this.

Would you believe this devil beast is the same cute thing as the one in this picture...?

Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
Neil Auty

Kommentare 4

  • aw masry 13. Oktober 2007, 23:17

    oops .. it is really spooky !!
    Nice captured.
    Best regards - aw masry
  • doktada didelas 28. August 2007, 5:20

    Well it does kinda look like a llama. Maybe it got into some fermented apples. Looks ready to party :-0.
  • JVision 27. August 2007, 16:27

    My goodness !!! No I wouldn't believe this is the same cute thing as on the other picture.
  • Artemisia 26. August 2007, 2:18

    O.O - Well, I wouldn't say something on this Earth is ugly, cause humans even see the world like humans did ... But it looks strange.



Ordner Animals
Views 4.431