9.841 4

Andrej Nagode

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Vrhnika(Slovenia)

Kommentare 4

  • s. sabine krause 28. September 2015, 8:40

    …greeting us with almost lake-like familiarity! for me it's a surprising sight! so calm, so fagile, so idyllic and gentle looking! the bushes not only seem to frame but also protect this paradisal place of which we onlookers are allowed a precious glimpse! the rosy horizon – a promise of a dreamy world beyond… beautifully composed, andrej! love, how we can't be sure, whether the coast on the horizon is really a coast or just a mirage deliberately created by the clouds… ; ) the world's a place to cherish and be kind to – that's what the image tells me! greetings, sabine. p.s.: oh, and that touch of green in the sky – wow!
  • SINA 27. Juni 2015, 13:53

    welch traumschöne Landschaft die ich gut kenne und sehr liebe
    ein gelungenes feines Foto davon
    herzlich Sina
  • Wolfgang Bazer 22. Juni 2015, 21:59

    Eine wunderbare Atmosphäre!
    LG Wolfgang
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 22. Juni 2015, 20:15

    Wunderschön gemacht . . . !
    LG Vitoria


Ordner Croatia
Views 9.841


Kamera DSC-RX10
Objektiv 24-200mm F2.8
Blende 7.1
Belichtungszeit 1/50
Brennweite 8.8 mm
ISO 160

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