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A Young Girl Waits

A Young Girl Waits

4.143 3

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

A Young Girl Waits

It's cooler in the open shade, the air isn't moving in side, and in the sun sun you just melt. She should be in school, but she's a part of the community. Your one purpose is to produce. She leans up against her place wearing grown up shoes.

Kommentare 3

  • Dagi.H. 12. August 2013, 9:10

    The world is so rich in all, some have the opinion that the resources they are alone and what will become of the rest of humanity, as they stomp their feet about it without wanting to perceive that it is not the road on which they go!
    Your photos have a strong explanatory power for people with brains.
    Greetings from Europe
  • Tadeusz Roguski 12. Juli 2013, 22:57

    heart bloods
  • franka. 11. Juli 2013, 21:14

    she looks angry!
    great picture!


Ordner Gypsy Camp
Views 4.143