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A quiet corner in Amsterdam

A quiet corner in Amsterdam

1.547 2


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Kommentare 2

  • siggi1 25. Juni 2014, 18:42

    Hey Howard , old friend ! Nice again what of you to see !

    Howard mein alter Freund , schön mal wieder was von dir zu sehen .

    Eine stimmungsvolle Szene zeigst du hier !

    Howard and I know each other from another comunity and I can only recommend his work !

    Nice Work .


    With this Photo I got my first fc Star !!

  • RonnBeams 25. Juni 2014, 1:45

    I like your use of rectangles, and how they contrast in direction and form a large, albeit implied, triangle. The oblique line of your tree trunk joins with the stones between your two shades of brick patterns to create a really strong internal frame for your subjects. Your sense of design gives your two men a stronger presence then they would otherwise merit, and elevate your image into something intriguing.


Views 1.547


Kamera X-T1
Objektiv ---
Blende 4.5
Belichtungszeit 1/125
Brennweite 42.5 mm
ISO 400