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A Proud Dad with a Newborn

A Proud Dad with a Newborn

1.525 3

CT Pehlivan

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Indianapolis

A Proud Dad with a Newborn

This is my daughter Mena Su and Me.She born in day after Easter(3-28-2005).

Kommentare 3

  • John Moore 5. Juni 2005, 10:15

    Great shot Mum!!! Congratulations, your have now made dad, as proud as a peacock!
    Thanks for your comment on my possum and bless the three of you!!!!
  • Sarndra 13. April 2005, 21:45

    You suit the part CT!!! and thank you for your message regarding my daughter and her new husband...hopefully they won't be producing one of THOSE for a while..i'm far too young to be a grandma!! LOL
  • Sarndra 13. April 2005, 8:52

    Aww congratulations to you all :-) ..



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