Glacier Lagoon von Jochen Dürr

Glacier Lagoon


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17.04.2008 um 21:45 Uhr
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Jökulsárlón literally means glacier lagoon (Jökull - glacier, lón - lagoon).
The Lagoon is one of Iceland’s most spectacular views, it is situated right next to the Ring Road No1.
Here the glacial tongue Breiðamerkurjökull calves into the lagoon and large icebergs can be seen aground and melting rather quickly.
The warm period from 1920 to 1965 caused great changes in Breiðamerkurjökull glacier. It retreated very quickly, leaving a lagoon up to 190m deep where the glacier snout had been, and several kilometers of glacial moraines were exposed on both sides of the lagoon. The lagoon grew from 8km² in 1975 to 18km² today.


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Sebastian Staendecke, 13.09.2008 um 3:14 Uhr

waren die so rießig wie die aussehen? schön eisiges blau auf deinem bild!

ich war vor etwa 10 tagen dort und u.a. das bild gemacht:
Ice of Iceland von Sebastian Staendecke
Ice of Iceland
12.9.08, 22:31
8 Anmerkungen

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