Your Scars are Light von Anh Tu Nguyen

Your Scars are Light


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12.08.2014 um 16:00 Uhr
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We all have scars, inside and out. We have freckles from sun exposure, broken bones, wound scar, emotional trigger points, painful memories in the past or broken hearts.
However our scars manifest, we need not feel ashamed.

It is beautiful to have lived, really lived, and to have the marks to prove it. It’s not a competition—as in “My scar is better than your scar" - but it’s a testament of our inner strength.

It's the grace point between what hurts and what heals, between the shadow of tragedy and the light of joy. We may hurt, but we will heal and there’s beauty in our scars.


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David2, 2.05.2015 um 22:58 Uhr

coole idee.

Simon Taal, 14.10.2015 um 22:20 Uhr

Sehr cool!

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Informationen zum Foto
  • 3.242 Klicks
  • 2 Kommentare
  • 0 mal als Favorit gespeichert

  • NIKON D90
  • AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G
  • 35.0 mm
  • f1.8
  • 1/60
  • ISO 800
  • 0EV

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