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Über mich

„The earth is art, the photographer is only a witness ”
? Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth from Above

Photography is my hobby for more than 40 years. Time and technology have changed since, but one thing has not : It is not only the camera that takes the picture, it is the photographer using the camera as a tool to catch the moment that is unique, will never come back and cannnot be re-produced. In these terms every photo is a memorial of a moment the way the photographer has seen it.

The reason for publishing my photos here is that I want to share my pictures not only with family and friends, but also with anyone interested or also „suffering“ from the photography virus.
I also whish to receive inspiration from the pictures of the many "much better than me" photographers that publish their pictures here as well.

Here and other photography websites it is good to see that people from all over the world, no matter of race,religion, nationality or other means come together to show that the only way to shoot at each other is with a camera.

If you whish to comment any of my pictures, I will be glad to receive your comments and critics. Please take a moment to tell me what you like or dislike about my pictures or what you would do differently, any comment is highly appreciated.

Please also visit my website : www.next-shutter.de
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  • Fotograf (Fortgeschritten)