Tola Szlagowska

kostenloses Benutzerkonto

Über mich

Hey! I´m the Newbie - I don´t speak German, but I hope I´m welcome nevertheless. :)

Thank you to all the people who have commented on my pics so far, I have the feeling so many of you are professionel models and/or photographers here!

Kommentare 4

  • Tobias Schornsheim 10. Juni 2006, 11:33

    You are one yummy chick! More pics wanted! Keep it up!
  • Michael Henninger 8. Juni 2006, 13:49

    hello and welcome

    enjoy the FC!

    r you from Poland by chance?

    and do you have another picture of this nice yellow car in your profile? :-)

    regards, michael
  • Benjamin Rabe 6. Juni 2006, 15:19

    Hello and welcome!
    Where are you from?
    Btw. i think you should upload your photos in bigger size...
  • Falk Bayer 6. Juni 2006, 15:02

    wilkommen in der FC. Viel Spaß bei uns!

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