Uwe Wendland

Premium (Basic), Cuxhaven

why so serious #1

When did we forget
All the crazy things that made us feel so part of it?
Our youth, so confident
We played our heartstrings
Not caring if it ends
Try to learn to let go of all those things that tie you down
Get rid of it, the voice inside that tells me that
I'm scared, yeah, scared as shit
But I wanna let go of it now
So someone tell me
Why so serious?
Why are we so serious?
Oh, why so serious?
When did we get like this?
I still remember we weren't grown up like this
Oh, oh

aus Musik von Alice Merton

Kommentare 1


Ordner Monochrom
Views 5.794


Kamera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Objektiv EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
Blende 14
Belichtungszeit 1/160
Brennweite 100.0 mm
ISO 200

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