1.861 3


kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Muscat

White Flower

From my Garden

Kommentare 3

  • Mohammad AL-lawati 10. November 2009, 15:01

    very nice!
    i like the composition.
  • Gamar 14. September 2009, 18:29

    Thank my dear for comments and advice
  • Forrest Oldham 13. September 2009, 23:40

    I hope you take my comments positively, as that is the way I intend them, to help. Looks like the stamens are a little fuzzy from some kind of movement, whether it be wind, or hand held camera with slower shutter speed. Also, I would like the background to be a bit less in focus (Wider F-stop). As I do not know the particulars of how you shot it, this is the best I can do to help. It is compositionally very nice with the reddish lines leading into the edge of the flower to bring the viewer's eye to the flower. Hope this helps.