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The sweet sound of mom's heartbeat

The sweet sound of mom's heartbeat

21.273 3

Matteo Fuccelli

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The sweet sound of mom's heartbeat

The little Zeno breathes for only 13 minutes. He does not know the world or what is happening to him. The only thing he knows is the sound of the mother’s heartbeat and that's enough for him to be quiet and resting clinging to his breast. Because of her everything is quiet, everything is peace. Because of her Zeno is now ready to face life.

"The first time you were born I was born for a second time."

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Views 21.273


Kamera NIKON D700
Objektiv 50.0 mm f/1.8
Blende 3.5
Belichtungszeit 1/125
Brennweite 50.0 mm
ISO 1000

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