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The Rain's Comin!

The Rain's Comin!

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Littleton

The Rain's Comin!

I wanted to photograph rocks in the soft sunlight of sunset! This was my second trip to this area in Pike National Forest in four days! When I left for this area it was a beautiful sunny day at about 4:00 pm. It take about an hour and a half to hike into to this area, and as I was hiking up the steep and very long dirt road I turned to observe the approaching storm sneaking up on me very quickly, Undaunted I trekked on! Needless to say there wasn't much soft sunlight, but what a dramatic sky it was!

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Views 17.233


Kamera Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Objektiv Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L
Blende 10
Belichtungszeit 1/60
Brennweite 34.0 mm
ISO 100

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