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the Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge

the Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge

8.068 4


Premium (World), Newcastle upon Tyne

Kommentare 4

  • Hansi Rödig 24. August 2018, 19:02

    Long way for a beer!
    • markkeville 24. August 2018, 22:33

      The pub stands by itself on the moors. However - it is surprisingly busy with cyclists and with walkers on "the Coast to Coast" Walk - as well as with motorists (car-drivers) who pass along the road. mark.
  • Ernst Erdle 24. August 2018, 16:24

    there seems to be a dramatic weather situation
    no mistake to carry a umbrella with you :-)
    • markkeville 24. August 2018, 16:56

      This pub is a challenge to me - which i have, so far, failed to meet. It is quite a remote pub - the lion inn - sitting on a ridge ,(and on a ridge-top road) by itself. You are therefore able to see it, on the horizon - from several miles away. I tried to depict its location in this picture - but it doesn't achieve what i wanted. 
      For your interest - I will look to see if i have a picture of the same pub in wintertime - and load it next week. mark.


Ordner NorthYorkshire Moors
Views 8.068


Kamera Canon EOS 70D
Objektiv EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
Blende 11
Belichtungszeit 1/500
Brennweite 92.0 mm
ISO 200

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