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The graffiti tells the truth

The graffiti tells the truth

2.285 2

Bill Andrews

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Munich

The graffiti tells the truth

I'm so sad that of all people, Donald Trump is the president of my country.
Every tweet message makes me ashamed of my country. I hope this difficult time passes quickly.
Found in Cologne

Kommentare 2

  • Hans-Joachim ... Phpotography 27. Januar 2019, 7:42

    My motto. Respect the person who is during his - her job the best at the time. Non of us are perfect.
    Donald I remember from Disney World was Grumpy one day and happy the next. however, Mr Donald Trump = the President has aged big time since taking Office!
  • Constantin H. 5. Januar 2019, 11:20

    I can well understand what you are saying. We Germans should not constantly deal with Trump, that's cheap. Instead, we should criticize our own government. Best regards, Constantin


Views 2.285


Kamera SM-G920F
Objektiv ---
Blende 1.9
Belichtungszeit 1/100
Brennweite 4.3 mm
ISO 50

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