792 4

Kommentare 4

  • StePa 26. Mai 2019, 17:09

    ich fahre jeden Tag mit der S-Bahn an diesen Fenstern vorbei und denke immer: "müsste man mal Fotografieren"...
    LG, Stefan
    • Lizbeth Abadia Klinge 27. Mai 2019, 5:08

      I have been there one time, and they have caught my eye immediately ... Thanks for your message!
    • StePa 27. Mai 2019, 23:03

      Hello Lizbeth, thanks for your reply. Believe it or not, this morning my train (S-Bahn) stopped right next to such a window. For a moment this put a smile on my face, because I had to think of your shot and our little conversation about it. Greetings from Berlin, Stefan
    • Lizbeth Abadia Klinge 28. Mai 2019, 10:14

      Your comment draw a smile back on my face... was more than deserved after a long working day! Thank you... greetings back from Kazakhstan!


Ordner Dryair
Views 792


Kamera HDR-SR10
Objektiv ---
Blende 2
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 15.3 mm
ISO ---