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Sarawak "From Kuching up the Rejang River"

Sarawak "From Kuching up the Rejang River"

1.196 3

Gloria Bredner

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Düsseldorf

Sarawak "From Kuching up the Rejang River"

Scan vom Foto.

The colour of the river was brown because of cutting down the rainforest.

Kommentare 3

  • Thomas Kunz 13. Januar 2007, 13:48

    I've been traveling on that river 25 years ago. The ship was the same, and the color of the river as well, and the logging companies had started to cut down the forest a long time ago.
    It's a shame
  • Eli K 1. Januar 2007, 12:22


    irgendwie wollen die ja auch reich werden... :(
    ach wenns so nicht funkt...


    interessantes foto!


  • Christian Knospe 30. Dezember 2006, 22:15

    klasse, dort war ich auch schon;-)

    Gruß Chris
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