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Relaxing on a Winter Evening...

Relaxing on a Winter Evening...

11.461 3

Relaxing on a Winter Evening...

...a cobblestoned plaza in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse on a February evening.

©Steve Ember
Also in Neustadt

Zwei Stils Werbung
Zwei Stils Werbung
Steve Ember

Kommentare 3

  • Isi19 11. Mai 2018, 21:15

    Black-grey-white-highlight:red.Very good 'street".Good the expression on the Face of the woman smiling and enjoying the quiet moment.It is the evening of a typical German town.Restlight and warm light from some windows.Regards Ingrid
  • archiek 4. Mai 2018, 20:17

    The combination of reds and grays in this photo are super. Great street image with a good story.
    Regards, Archie
  • Adele D. Oliver 3. Mai 2018, 19:06

    a nice street scene with its European architectural flare and
    the women relaxing on the bench ... great story telling |!!!
    warm regards,


Ordner Documentary
Views 11.461


Kamera Canon EOS 40D
Objektiv ---
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 22.0 mm
ISO 800

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