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Reds of an Autumn Afternoon - An Annapolis Impression

Reds of an Autumn Afternoon - An Annapolis Impression

9.694 1

Reds of an Autumn Afternoon - An Annapolis Impression

While Mother Nature seemed to have flipped off the switch on autumn colors in my area of northern Virginia, leaving most trees either nearing winter-bare or very much color-subdued, I was delighted to find she'd left the vibrant colors in their full glory on the magnificent tree on the grounds of the State House in Maryland's capital, Annapolis.

Captured in the golden light of late afternoon this past Tuesday, just a week before the end of November.

©2020 Steve Ember

Reds of an Autumn Afternoon No.2 - An Annapolis Impression
Reds of an Autumn Afternoon No.2 - An Annapolis Impression
Steve Ember

Kommentare 1


Ordner Annapolis
Views 9.694


Kamera Canon EOS 40D
Objektiv ---
Blende Inf
Belichtungszeit 1/2500
Brennweite 0.0 mm
ISO 400

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