20.594 107 Galerie


kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Amsterdam


I want to tell a little more about this photo:

It is made with an anloque F80 camera and a tamron 18-200 3.5-6.3, so i was no so well equiped. The film i used was a black and white iso 400.
I had no chance to see my picture and adjust anything. I have scanned the black and white negative to what you see here. It made 2 shots, and it was this one shot that fortunately was exactly the composition, mood and atmosphere of that day.

It is made in the monsoom season, in North-India. It was de birthday of the Dalai Lama so as this was his refuge place it was a busy day. When it started to pur however everyone went inside and i found shelter here and was looking at the people walking, and mostly running by to get away from the rain.

Old tibetian refugee walking in the rain... So calm and peaceful.

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Ordner Our World, Asia
Views 20.594


Galerie (Reise)
14. September 2008 103 Pro / 72 Contra

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