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Poppy and the Bumble Bee

Poppy and the Bumble Bee

1.756 5

Robert Chapman-Firth

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Kommentare 5

  • nariense 11. September 2008, 22:53

    fantastic,landing time.
    great shot.
  • Andrea Sagawe 7. Januar 2008, 18:51

    Great timing!!
    Beautifully captured light.

  • aw masry 7. Januar 2008, 12:49

    Wonderful flower !!
    The flying bee made it stunning.
    Best regards – aw masry
  • Bassam 7. Januar 2008, 4:17

    Photographer prepare and prepare, mentally, physically and other wise to select just the right shot, they have be there at the right moment, then images happen and you at them for many years to come, when it was just a glimpse of time that made it happen, here you certainly did that, congratulations, Cheers...Bassam
  • Alfred Spectrum 6. Januar 2008, 22:27

    The light is very nice, the way it shines through the flower and the way it accentuates the bee.
    Welcome to FC, hope you will enjoy it.