1.549 4

Marek Pawlowski

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Gdansk

On the trails

On the trail in Morocco you find nice people - playing from time to time!!!

Kommentare 4

  • Bernat Beata 14. November 2009, 1:24

    dobry strzal...radosna historia :)
  • Adele D. Oliver 18. August 2008, 20:50

    Oh Yes, I like this photo a lot. You are giving the happy man a bright background and more space - the serious one is in further away with dark background and little space. Can this be only accidental or did they pose for you. In any case, it really works for me.
    cheers, Adele
  • Snežana 3. August 2008, 12:37

    Very good one!! excellent composition - I like the presentation of two moods - you have separated them with the jumb: Smiling man has more space and more attention even the backgroud is more optimistic/bright while the serious one is pushed aside, looking away and with black bg. I like it very much! it's symbolic picture how it should be in everyday life.
  • Nacht Schwarz 4. Juli 2008, 13:53

    ER hat ein herrlich verschmitzes Lächeln !



Ordner Morocco
Views 1.549