1.819 5

Rob Bennett

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Cambridge

Kommentare 5

  • Stu Good 21. März 2006, 10:40

    Hi Rob,
    Thanks for your comment on my 'Bude Evening'.
    I love this shot of the Meerkat, these little fellas are great aren't they. Not only cute but always so willing to pose for a photo.

    Regards, Stu.
  • Rob Bennett 4. März 2006, 12:16

    certainly veronique, he is a merecat. i think the live in africa.
    Thanks to all for commenting.
    Cheers rob
  • Véronique Soulier 3. März 2006, 14:50

    thank you so much for your mail, I really enjoy your pictures so your comments are particularly wellcome...
    please can you tell me how this lovely gard is called in english ? I find him so expressive
  • John Bennett 28. Februar 2006, 11:22

    As Cees says great sharpness and colour, caught in a classic pose.
  • Cees Kuijs 26. Februar 2006, 22:37

    Excellent. Great sharpness and colors.
    Greetings, Cees