957 4

Nirmal Sasidharan

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Stuttgart

Old Temple

This is an old temple in India, near Mysore

Kommentare 4

  • Helmut Schadt 1. Mai 2004, 23:39

    I like those south indian temples very much. i should visit again madurai, kanchipuram, tiruchirapalli.......
    this one more modern style and not so colourful but also beautiful..
    kind regards from renningen (also S6) to ditzingen, helmut
  • Bernhard Weichel 8. Dezember 2003, 23:36

    now it is much better.
    very good.

  • Michael Gillich 7. Dezember 2003, 13:57

    Nice picture!
    lg MIKE
  • Nirmal Sasidharan 7. Dezember 2003, 6:59

    Helga Schneider, gestern um 19:45 Uhr
    Der Tempel sieht toll aus - gut der Kontrast zum Himmel
    lg Helga

    Bernhard Weichel, gestern um 20:02 Uhr
    picture, good perspective, perhaps can cut it more centric.
    --lg b



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