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My Mother, Gelsenkirchen Horst, 1965

My Mother, Gelsenkirchen Horst, 1965

13.146 4


Premium (Basic), Nürnberg

My Mother, Gelsenkirchen Horst, 1965

One of the first photos of me showing me in the buggy. My mother, Christel Guddat - born 1933, shot it in 1965 with her Kodak Retina 1a on an Ilford Pan F with a Schneider Kreuznach Retina Xenar 2,8/50. She was addicted to photography and in my memories she almost always had a camera with her. From what is told, her first camera was this famous Kodak Retina. All her slides, negatives and cameras came into my hands. For me it is a marvelous journey into our familiy's past studying all her artworks .

Kommentare 4

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Views 13.146


Kamera X-T1
Objektiv 50.0 mm
Blende 1
Belichtungszeit 1/40
Brennweite 50.0 mm
ISO 800