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my home is my castle - II

my home is my castle - II

766 3

Sven M.

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Kommentare 3

  • Kombizz Kashani 7. November 2007, 7:45

    very sad documentary image of a lonely man who tries to PRETEND to be happy !
    I am sorry for him that till this age could not meet a young lay to get marry and have a family like other normal citizens !
  • Kombizz Kashani 7. November 2007, 7:44

    very sad documentary image of a lonely man who tries to PRETEND to be happy !
    I am sorry for him that till this age could not meet a young lay to get marry and have a family like other normal citizens !
  • Sven M. 7. November 2007, 1:41

    Vielen Dank, ~ seven of nine ~
    Da fällt mir grad auf:
    Der Bildtitel "me, myself and I"
    scheint ja nicht erst einmal gewählt worden zu sein...