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Matinada - Early hours

Matinada - Early hours

2.153 10

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

Matinada - Early hours

La lluna plena es reflecteix sobre les aigües del riu Bergantes, davant del poble de Palanques, en el nord del País Valencià.

The full moon reflects on the Bergantes river waters , in front of the village of Palanques, in the north of Valencian Country

Kommentare 10

  • Dora Robinson 9. März 2006, 2:03

    Great DOF and the reflection on the water is fantastic ,very good contrast.Lovely photo.Great work.
  • Isidre Marco i Tuset 22. Januar 2006, 22:13

    Veig que saps aprofitar molt be la facilitat que tens de llevarte aviat.
    Molt ben travada i certement bonica
  • PINDORIUS 19. Januar 2006, 20:35

    dons quina pujada per portar els morts!
  • Mirek Endys 18. Januar 2006, 16:44

    Yessss!!! Cool picture, right f-num... sharpness, good tonality.... yeah..
  • Josep A. Collado 18. Januar 2006, 0:47

    Thank you very much
    @Jaime: the photo is taken about 7 a.m. Here, in this period of the year, it is indeed when it begins to dawn.( I also think -like Robert- that the early hours are the most beautiful)
    @Carles: Sí, és el cementiri d'aquest petit poble (només 29 habitants) a la comarca dels Ports, prop de Morella.
  • PINDORIUS 17. Januar 2006, 19:12

    es el cementiri el que està a la part més alta del poble?

    bon reflexe!
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 17. Januar 2006, 14:14

    wow beautiful colours.
    how early in the morning did you wake to take this?
    the reflection in the water adds something special.
  • Valfoto 17. Januar 2006, 10:52

    Muy buena Josep
    Un saludo, Manuel
  • Cees Kuijs 17. Januar 2006, 9:59

    Excellent picture. What a great reflection on the river.
    Great composition as well.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Robert L. Roux 17. Januar 2006, 8:44

    The early hours are always most beautiful -
    more beautiful, even, than sleep ... ;-)
    Buenos dios, amigo - it's very early in your part of the world as I write this,
    but very late in mine ... ;-)