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Luna Park, Sydney

Luna Park, Sydney

6.091 2

Stephen Sandford

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Cherrybrook, in northern Sydney

Luna Park, Sydney

Luna Park at Milson's Point, Sydney, on the northern side of the harbour. Photographed from the lower deck of my ferry, that was about to dock at the wharf.
An early evening photograph on 27th December, 2020.

Kommentare 2

Bei diesem Foto wünscht Stephen Sandford ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)
  • Matthias Moritz 4. Januar 2021, 6:33

    Obviously it‘s attractive for cities to have an amusement park at the waterfront.
    I like that view and the time to take the photo is well chosen for special colors.
    • Stephen Sandford 5. Januar 2021, 9:09

      Thanks very much Matthias. I appreciate your time in responding to this image. I am most grateful for feedback - I have come here to this website to get feedback but also some real, if not harsh, criticism because that is the only way I can improve. On Flickr I get a lot of comments about the photos, but not critique per se. So I am hoping here, on this website, people will say what is wrong, in their opinion, with the images. Cheers from Sydney on Tuesday afternoon, 4th January, 2020.