13.073 0

Masoud Shokrnia

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Tehran

Lost in the snow

Leave a light on in the wild
Cause I'm coming in a little blind
Dreamer of a lighthouse in the woods
Shining a little light to bring us back home
Went to find you in the backyard
Hiding behind our busy lives
Dreamer of a lighthouse in the woods
To help us get back into the world
Cause I know I've seen you before
Won't you shine a little light on us now?
Won't you shine a little light in your own a backyard?
Won't you shine a little light in your own backyard?
Dreamer of a lighthouse in the woods

* Lighthouse

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Views 13.073


Kamera Canon EOS 7D
Objektiv Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L
Blende 9
Belichtungszeit 1/400
Brennweite 70.0 mm
ISO 160

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