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le dune di Porto Pino

le dune di Porto Pino

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le dune di Porto Pino

the south Sardinia it's wild, and crazy as for the many breathtaking places you can spot and walk to.
Porto Pino it's in the southern coastline, and beside the harbor itself it's hosting a beautiful natural environment with large white sand dunes.
When i saw this impending tempest and smelled the cold air i sensed rain...a few minutes later i was walking under a tremendous pin-rain laughing like a madman.

Kommentare 2

Bei diesem Foto wünscht Harpist_druid ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)


Views 10.511


Kamera NIKON D800
Objektiv Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
Blende 7.1
Belichtungszeit 1/250
Brennweite 31.0 mm
ISO 160

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