509 5


Premium (World), Hnnover


All around the Angkor temples you see these musicians playing traditional music for a couple of Riel or USD.
Most of them are disabled from landmines from the indochine war. landmines even nowadays is still a threat to people as a lot of areas have not been cleared yet.

Kommentare 5

  • Willy Brüchle 24. Februar 2007, 16:41

    After I gave my donation to this group I still was chocked up that I did not get a sharp picture in the dark light. MfG, w.b.
  • Sasha B. 23. Februar 2007, 12:05

    Gut das jemand auch mal das "andere Gesicht" von Angkor zeigt!

  • mademoiselle m. 23. Februar 2007, 10:43

    die hab ich auch gesehen! foto mit ein bischen mehr kontrat der gesichter wegen?
    ich würde auch nen anderen rahmen wählen :-)
    aber trotzdem: mag das foto.
  • Gervais 23. Februar 2007, 0:28

    Hi Michael,

    right ! it's Tha Phrom :-) waiting for your photos.

    Gervais KL
  • Michael Westenberger 22. Februar 2007, 8:27

    Ah, that's the landmine victims band at Tha Phrom, right?

    Good reportage shot.

    I'll upload some pics from the landmine museum too the next time.

    Regards Michael