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Intersection Miena and the Great Lake

Intersection Miena and the Great Lake

10.094 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

Intersection Miena and the Great Lake

Onced we reached the plateau, which is about 1200 metres above sea level, we entered the Central Plateau Conservation Area and, as we followed the highway, the landscape opened out before we had wide vistas over Australia’s largest natural freshwater lake – Great Lake – one of a series of huge natural lakes which dot the central plateau.
We came across clusters of fishermen’s shacks along the way, but the area is otherwise largely uninhabited.In the evening hours we had the change to see many wallabies, the small kangaroo of Tasmania. Photographing wasn't easy, but I captured some with my conventional film-camera shooting some slides. The result was a bit unfruitful, can see only the blazing eyes of them.

Kommentare 2


Ordner Victoria a. Tasmania
Views 10.094


Kamera E5000
Objektiv ---
Blende 6.2
Belichtungszeit 1/300
Brennweite 18.8 mm
ISO 100

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