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I'm looking for crumbs. Are you going to give me some?

I'm looking for crumbs. Are you going to give me some?

1.472 3

Helena Rogers

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Plymouth

Kommentare 3

  • Steve Ashforth 4. August 2010, 11:25

    Hi Helena. A lovely shot of the robin. I agree with Sally's comments, but in addition, I like the way you have caught a 'catch light' in it's eye. That brings the image 'to life'. Well done!
    P.S. Were you wearing your 'stealth slippers' to get so close?? Ha! Ha!
  • Sally Dunn 4. August 2010, 9:06

    A fabulous shot of this little robin that is so typical of winter months and Christmas that I forget they are around in the summer too! I am surprised you got such a great picture and close too without him flying away! The head is even cocked to one side in a charming manner!
  • Vera Shulga 3. August 2010, 22:08

    Nice shot!