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Kathleen Brown

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Orlando

Blue Swallowtail

Taken with a Nikon D-100 camera, a Nikon 80-400mm lense at a focal length of 400mm, F/5.6, shutter speed of 1/500 sec, with a tripod.

Kommentare 8

  • Doc Kramer 20. Oktober 2005, 20:26

    nice one,
    like it.

    take care
  • Dennis Maloney 9. Oktober 2005, 0:51

    Another great shot Kathleen...always love to see your critters...keep'm commin'...den
  • Kathleen Brown 1. Oktober 2005, 12:23

    John, actually this was taken in a normal butterfly garden outside as most of my butterflies are. I shoot on a tripod, the head, a gun grip, is in one hand and a remote shutter release cord in the other, so I can shoot fast.
  • °°° celle °°° 1. Oktober 2005, 11:19

    i dont wanna say anything else.....
  • John Bennett 30. September 2005, 22:03

    the little blighters just won't open their wings for you will they, untill you walk of that is. A beautifuly sharp and colourful picture.
    Let us into a secret will you Kathleen. How did you stop your lens from fogging up? I take it this was taken in a butterfly park.
  • Kathleen Brown 30. September 2005, 19:38

    Again, Peter and Robert, thank you both for taking the time to look and comment on my critters.
  • Robert L. Roux 30. September 2005, 18:27

    Magic - nicely captured ...
  • Der Zacki 30. September 2005, 13:37

    very nice shot Iike it.