1.892 4

Jordan Bussell

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Plymouth

Blue Dragon

Just love the colors, and it took me so long to get close enough to that thing!! hehe, tell me what you think please!

Kommentare 4

  • Randy Allen 28. Januar 2007, 22:49

    Great shot. Good focus and the color of the dragonfly is outstanding. Good job! 8-)
    Randy Allen
  • Drew Dupont 14. Januar 2007, 6:44

    i have shot dragon flys for about 6 years now, the trick is not being fast enough but being slow enough quiet enough and belive it or not, it makes a difference if you act as if you are an herbivor. Seriously I learned that trick when I was visiting a native american tribe on World peace and prayer day 2000 in south dakota. A tribes man Kalvin running buffalo told me that it worked well when you wanted to gain the trust of any creature was to ignore it and pass along side it and feed on plants "litteraly chewing leaves and twigs" I used this tecnique manytimes when i was camping in the wild and spoted a deer or some other animal . .. I always kept my distance at first and rarely looked at my "prey IE camera prey" until I took the picture. It is nice having a digital camera when your taking pictures of wildlife Instant feed back coupled with off line of site controls and quiet as ever only the sound of the shutter bearly noticeable if you have a nice canon.

    my advice is simple, 1) invest in nice equipment
    2) study the pros
    3) become your enviorment what ever it is
    4) take as many pictures as possible you can always delete what you dont use.
    5) your subject is never the same at diffrent times of day
    The difference between a good photographer and a master photographer is a master will spend a day longer with his subject more than a good one would spend
  • Frank Dunn 13. Januar 2007, 11:27

    Fantastic shot, seen this feller in my
    pond never been fast enough to capture
    him.Well done
    Regards Frank
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 13. Januar 2007, 5:29

    yes i totally understand they are so hard to capture in sharpness, they only sit for a few seconds
    well done



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