Awinter day
Photograph taken in a park in Perth Western Australia,late afternoon on a winters day.Camera is a fuji finpix S9000
Awinter day
Photograph taken in a park in Perth Western Australia,late afternoon on a winters day.Camera is a fuji finpix S9000
Jacky Kobelt 4. August 2006, 21:45
I've seen this park in summer time - it's so different.
I love the atmosphere....
JVision 17. Juni 2006, 22:37
Very beautiful capture. I love the atmosphere.Greetings
Igor Flasz 16. Juni 2006, 22:41
Beatifull Photo, very good.Theo Weijmer 16. Juni 2006, 13:20
Great impression of the winter, very good composition.Greetings Theo